Sunday 28 June 2009


You'll be opening your own blogs this week. I'd like you to watch the following video that'll guide you to do it.

You will also find instructions to:
  1. start posting.
  2. publish the post.
  3. add images.
  4. edit your posts.
I hope you find it useful!

If your blog isn't on the blog list in the sidebar, post a comment with its url so that I can include it!

Uploading a video to your blog

And here's another tutorial that'll teach you how to upload a video from your computer to your blog.

You'll also find instructions about how to add a video from YourTube to the blog.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

Solar Cooker Project

Louise Meyer and Patricia McArdle explain to me how the Solar Cookers work. Their websites are , , and

Watch up to minute 2:40 and answer the following questions:

  1. Who was "Cookit" developed by?
  2. Where can you get the design from?
  3. What can it cook? How long does it take?
  4. What is it possible to pasteurise? Why is it good to pasteurise it?
  5. What do they use plastic bags, plastic windows from boats

Here's another video with some instructions and even a recipe:

  1. What tools did he use?
  2. How easy or difficult is it to build?
  3. What did he cook? What ingredients did he use?

How about sharing your opinions?

What springs to mind when you hear the word "enviroment"?
What do you think of the solar cooker idea?
Do you have any cool ideas to hep save the enviroment?

Wednesday 10 June 2009

English Vocabulary - Appointments & Reservations

Watch the following video and pay attention to what the teacher says:

Please, don't forget to write your names before doing the quizz!

Tuesday 2 June 2009


Watch the following video:

  • What do you think this comedic portrayal of a mediaval help desk means?
  • What do you associate it with?