Sunday, 6 September 2009


Today you'll play with a web-tool called tag cloud.

We can use tag clouds to know how often words are repeated in a text; we can visualize word frequency.

It's very easy to use; you just have to copy a text and paste it in the site and, after that, copy the embedding code and paste it in a post to be published in your blog.

Here's one of the sites you can use:

  • Go there and click on "create".
  • You can either choose to give your blog's url or paste the text of one of your post -your description for example.
  • Once you've done it, you can choose the colour, font, layout (horizontal, vertical), etc. You'll find these option on top of the word cloud.
  • Save it.
  • Get the code where it says "Paste this code into your blog or home page to link to this Wordle:"
I've created a word cloud with 2nd year's blog. Look!

Wordle: our blog

Click on the image to see it more clearly.
  • How do you like it?


  1. miss it's a good fanny and easy activity... but l have a problem with the phtography.

    well see you..

  2. Yes!!! now l can..

    well thank miss... see you

  3. I have already done it. And you have already seen it.
